|P2P Investment
Meet your new high yielding asset class
- Invest in retail loans
- Annualised returns up to 10%
- Diversify your portfolio beyond Mutual Funds & Stocks
Interested in P2P?

What should you know?

Upto 10% annualised return with an option to take monthly interest payout

Highly liquid and can be withdrawn in T+2 days*

Adequate cushion in case of defaults to a defined threshold

Highly diversified pool of borrowers to lower concentration risk
*On a best effort basis \n1Weighted average historical return for loans originated through Liquiloans as of May 31, 2019. Historical Returns are based on actual payments (other than principal) received by the investor net of fees and losses (including from charged-off loans).
The Historical Return calculation (a) is updated monthly; and (b) excludes the impact of servicing related corrective non-cash adjustments that may modify the outstanding balance or status of a borrower loan. The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary. Historical performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice or a guarantee about the performance of any Note.
LiquiLoans does not provide any guarantee/commitment that the loans listed on the secondary market will be sold at the listed/any given price within any time-frame. Sale of any loan/s is purely on a best effort basis.
Reserve Bank of India does not accept any responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or opinions expressed by Alpha Fintech Pvt. Ltd. RBI does not accept any responsibility or guarantee about the present position as to the financial soundness of the company or for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or the opinions expressed by the company and for repayment of deposits / discharge of liabilities by the company.
The information contained herein is only to enable the Lender to make a considered decision. Any decision taken by the Lender on the basis of this information is the sole responsibility of the Lender and MoneyMantra P2P is not liable. This information does not include any sensitive personal data or information of the Borrower. Any investment decision taken by the lender on the basis of this information is at discretion of the lender and MoneyMantra P2P does not guarantee that the loan amount will be recovered back from the borrower fully or partially. The risk is entirely on the lender. MoneyMantra P2P will not be responsible for the full or partial loss of the principal and/or interest of lenders’ investment. MoneyMantra P2P has partnered with liquiloans, who merely aids and assist the Lenders and the Borrowers listed on its website to make and receive loans and charges a service fee from the Lenders and the Borrowers for such assistance. MoneyMantra P2P is only an ‘Intermediary’ under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 1999.
Any calculations made are approximations, meant as guidelines only, which you must confirm before relying on them. The information contained in this document is for general purposes only. The current investment strategies are subject to change depending on market conditions. The document is given in summary form and does not purport to be complete. The document does not have regard to specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this document. The information / data here-in alone are not sufficient and should not be used for the development or implementation of an investment strategy. The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on our current views and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. NDX P2P Pvt. Ltd. (Liquiloans) nor any person connected with them, accepts any liability arising from the use of this document. The recipient(s) before acting on any information herein should make his/her/their own investigation and seek appropriate professional advice and shall alone be fully responsible / liable for any decision taken on the basis of information contained herein.